
Theft Insurance in Kenya

Don't let theft steal your peace of mind. Get comprehensive Theft Insurance today!

Whether it's a break-in or accidental misplacement, losing treasured possessions can be a devastating experience. Our Theft Insurance packages offer various coverage options to safeguard your belongings and provide financial security in case of theft. Get a quote from a trusted insurance broker in Kenya.

theft insurance

What is Theft Insurance?

Theft or burglary insurance covers loss or damage to the insured property arising from forceful entry and or exit from the premises.
The insurance policies available covering theft risks include the Burglary policy, Fidelity Guarantee Insurance and Theft All Risks insurance.
Fidelity Guarantee insurance covers loss arising from dishonesty of employees holding positions of trust – also referred to as theft by servant.
The “All Risks” insurance covers accidental loss, damage, or destruction of property from any cause not specifically excluded under the policy. It is the widest cover available for property

What types of Theft Insurance are available?

Get full coverage against theft of valuables, burglary, and related incidents, ensuring that you're financially protected when the unexpected happens.

Burglary Insurance

This covers loss or damage to your property arising from forceful entry and/or exit from your premises. This is the most common type of theft insurance for homes and businesses.

Fidelity Guarantee Insurance

This protects businesses against financial losses incurred due to dishonesty by employees holding positions of trust (e.g., theft by employees).

Theft All Risks Insurance

This offers the broadest coverage against loss, damage, or destruction of your property from any cause not specifically excluded under the policy. It's ideal for high-value items like jewellery and artwork.


Theft insurance is a type of insurance that protects your belongings against loss or damage arising from various theft-related scenarios. It typically covers situations involving forceful entry and/or exit from the insured premises.

  • Burglary insurance: This covers loss or damage to your property arising from forceful entry and/or exit from the premises. This is the most common type of theft insurance for homes and businesses.
  • Fidelity Guarantee insurance: This is not directly related to property theft. It protects businesses against financial losses incurred due to dishonesty by employees holding positions of trust (e.g., theft by employees).
  • Theft All Risks insurance: This offers the broadest coverage against loss, damage, or destruction of your property from any cause not specifically excluded under the policy. It’s ideal for high-value items like jewelry and artwork.

“Theft All Risks” coverage excludes specific causes not explicitly mentioned in the policy. It’s crucial to carefully review the specific policy details from your chosen insurance provider to understand the exact exclusions applicable to your coverage.

Yes, Burglary insurance, the most common type mentioned, is specifically suitable for domestic/residential property. This type of insurance is designed to protect your belongings in your home against theft arising from forced entry. However, it’s important to remember that the specific coverage details and suitability might vary depending on the specific insurance product and provider. It’s always best to consult with a professional to understand the best fit for your needs.

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