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Car Insurance Costs in Kenya


Car insurance protects against accidents. It also covers theft and material damage, medical, and legal costs. Often, It is a legal requirement. This offers peace of mind and financial security.

Understanding car insurance costs in Kenya is important because:

  1. Knowing average costs helps plan and budget for insurance.
  2. It allows comparing policies and selecting the best one. This way, you avoid overpaying.
  3. Also, it ensures meeting legal requirements and avoiding penalties.
  4. Finally, it aids in choosing the right protection against unexpected costs.

Average Cost of Car Insurance in Kenya

Car insurance costs in Kenya vary by coverage choice. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Third-Party Only insurance: protects others from your accidents. It costs between Kshs 5,000 and Kshs 10,000 annually.
  • Comprehensive cover offers wide protection. It covers, among others, accidental injury and damage, theft, and damage by fire. Typically, the cost is between 3.5% and 7% of the car’s value.

Average Premiums by Car Type:

Small cars (hatchbacks):

  1. Comprehensive: from Kshs 40,00
  2. Third-Party Only: from Kshs 7,500


  1. Comprehensive: from Kshs 40,000
  2. Third-Party Only: from Kshs 7,500

Factors Influencing Car Insurance Costs

1. Vehicle Type and Age

Insuring new, expensive cars costs more. Meanwhile, insuring old cars is cheaper. However, old cars that break down often may need more coverage.

2. Driver’s Age and Experience

Young and inexperienced drivers are charged additional premiums. Insurers consider them as risky.

3. Coverage Level

Comprehensive insurance is more expensive but offers better coverage. Third-party insurance costs less but provides lower protection.

4.Location and Usage

Where you live and how much you drive affect insurance costs. Living in a busy city or driving often raises accident risks. As a result, this leads to higher premiums.

Types of Car Insurance Available

Comprehensive Insurance

It offers full coverage for your car. That is;

  1. Accidental Damage: Repairs are for your car. They are for damage from an accident, no matter who is at fault.
  2. Theft: Coverage is for your car. It covers theft of motor vehicle.
  3. Fire Damage: This protects against fire damage to your vehicle.
  4. This section covers damage from events like floods. It also covers storms and earthquakes.
  5. Vandalism is damage caused by vandals.

    Third-Party Insurance

    It is a basic type of car insurance that covers:

    1. Pays for damage to others’ vehicles and property. This is if you are at fault in an accident.
    2. This covers medical expenses for injuries you cause subject to policy limits.
    3. Legal Costs: These include legal fees for being sued over damages or injuries you caused in an accident. This is subject to policy liability limits.

    Third-Party, Fire, and Theft Insurance

    Third-Party, Fire, and Theft Insurance is better than basic Third-Party Only Insurance. However, it is not as good as Comprehensive Insurance. It covers:

    1. Third-Party Coverage:
      1. It covers accidental damage to others’ vehicles and property. Also, it pays if you are liable for an accident.
    2. Fire Coverage:
      1. It covers repair or replacement costs for damaged by fire.
    3. Theft Coverage:

    Tips for Finding Affordable Car Insurance

    1. Compare Quotes

    Obtain quotes from different providers, ideally through an insurance broker. This step helps you find the best deal.

    2. Look for Discounts

    Some insurers offer discounts for safe driving and having many policies.

    3. Consider Bundling Policies

    You might need car and home insurance. Bundling them with one provider can save you money.

    4. Improve Your Driving Record

    A clean driving record can lower your premiums. Just avoid accidents and traffic violations.


    Knowing car insurance costs in Kenya helps you find the right, affordable coverage. First, consider your vehicle, driving experience, and needed coverage. Then, compare quotes and look for discounts. This method ensures the best, low-cost option. By shopping around, you can secure a good deal and protection. Staying informed and taking action are key. They help you find insurance that fits your budget.

    Visit Our Car Insurance Page for more information.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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